Cancellation/Return Policy

1. You have the right to cancel your order and return the goods, any time before and up to fourteen days from the day after the goods are received by you provided that the goods are in perfect condition and the packaging remains unopened and in a sellable condition. It is your responsibility to ensure that the returned goods reach us in perfect resaleable condition and therefore all goods should be in their original packaging and the packaging must not have been opened or marked. Please note that you will be responsible for arranging to return the goods and will also be responsible for the cost of returning the goods to us. A full refund of the value of the goods will be made upon our receipt of the returned goods once they have been inspected in our warehouse.

2. If the goods returned are not fit for resale because of the goods having been opened or damaged in transit, the goods will not be refunded, and you will be required to collect the goods from our warehouse within 7 days of having been notified of this fact. Alternatively, if the goods have not been collected within the 7-day timeframe, the goods will be disposed of.

If you change your mind about the goods when you receive them, you have 7 days after the delivery of the goods to return the goods with prior written notice to us at However please note that cancellation of bespoke, customised or special-order goods will not be accepted once your order has been processed online /in-store and no returns or exchange will be available for special offer goods. In addition to this, goods sold as part of a sale or promotion price will not be accepted for return or exchange after the 7 days ‘cooling off period’ has ceased. Goods sold on clearance or as ex-display will not be accepted as a return under any circumstance.

3. If the Company agrees to accept returns from a customer, and this will be at the discretion of the Company, a handling charge of 25% will apply.


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